Most recent mailing:
What is Mordecai’s Method?
Mordecai’s Method, as told in the book of Esther, used the Persian Empire Postal System to mail a letter of life to every province, reversing the letter of death sent out by Haman, which had ordered the death of every Jew. Using that same method, and sending the Card With The Cross using the United States Postal System’s Every Door Direct Mail service, we can get the gospel into every household in any community in America, including gated or restricted areas, military bases, PO boxes, etc.—places we could not go any other way.
Since August of 2020, when VBP added Mordecai’s Method as another way to get the gospel of Christ printed and distributed in its purest form, there have been 2.4 million of the Cards with the Cross mailed to every household address in more than one hundred communities. Some communities we have mailed to had less than 1,500 households, while others have several hundred thousand, but large or small, the great commission is to preach the gospel to every creature.
Between the nine verses of Scripture on the card, and the QR code linked to a gospel video (which gives a clear presentation of the gospel and encourages the listener to receive Christ and be saved forever), we believe many will turn from sin to the Savior. Please pray for the good Lord to continue blessing this added part of the VBP ministry.
Thank you for your support and prayers,
Jim Fellure
Q. How can our church get the Cards with the Cross mailed to every household in our community?
A. Contact Joseph Bertram at josephbertram@victorybaptistpress.com for that information.
Q. How much does it cost to have the cards mailed to our community?
A. Printing and mailing is an expensive operation, and it would not be possible without the faithful support and love offerings of churches and individuals who give regularly; however, all financial support to VBP is voluntary. All we ask is for those interested in the VBP ministry to pray about what the Lord would have you do, and as long as the Lord meets the financial need, we will continue to print and distribute the Scriptures, including the Cards with the Cross, without charge.