Bible Truth For Perilous Times
"I think I can speak for myself as well as others when I say I knew years ago that our beloved nation would come to the place it is now. However, I readily admit that I didn't expect it to arrive here so quickly. it seems just over night we have come to be a sorry, sin soaked, sensual, and sadistic society. Every type of wickedness that can be imagined is prevalent and available to see or experience. The Bible believing Christian has known all along that this is where our world would come to.
We know that we cannot change society, but we can be informed by the word of God as to how to identify the wicked trends that are prevalent around us and how to conduct our lives in such evil days as these.
This is what this book is all about. I trust it will be used of God to inform and encourage Christians in these last days." – Dr. Gerald Fielder
Bible Truth For Perilous Times
by Dr. Gerald Fielder
Available as a Paperback
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