Classic Sermons on Suffering

Let the pulpit giants provide your resource material for words of comfort and solace. A master preacher in his own right, Warren W. Wiersbe has carefully selected these sixteen sermons by Hugh Black, Philips Brooks, John Calvin, William M. Clow, Arthur John Gossip, John Ker, Walter A. Maier, George H. Morrison, Fredrick W. Robertson, William E, Sangster, Charles H. Spurgeon, James S. Stewart, and George W Truett. They offer perspective, understanding, and encouragement to the depressed and brokenhearted.

These Classic Sermons on Suffering will undergird your faith and focus your attention on Christ, our great High Priest, who can "be touhed with the feeling of our infirmities." Preachers will gain inspiration, ideas, and insights to improve their ministry to those who suffer.

Classic Sermons on Suffering
by Warren W. Wiersbe
Available as a paperback

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Victory Baptist Press


4000 Avalon Blvd
Milton, FL 32583
Phone - (850) 623-0086

A Ministry of Victory Baptist Church
