The Elements of Preaching
This is not a book on how to prepare sermons. Nor is this a book advocating any special approach to preaching. Rather, our purpose is to spell out the basics that the preacher must grasp before he can adequately begin to use what the other books teach…The emphasis is on the fundamentals.
—from the Preface
Here are basic preaching principles as well as the main preaching prohibitions that can help you sharpen and focus your skills in the pulpit. Underlying these elements is a heartfelt understanding of the power and purpose of preaching: "A preacher must not be satisfied merely to instruct the mind; he must also stir the heart and motivate the will to apply God's truth personally," say the authors.
Warren and David Wiersbe have studied and used many books on preaching and the elder Wiersbe has taught preaching in the seminary classroom. He is also the author of His Name Is Wonderful and many other books.
The Elements of Preaching
by Warren and David Wiersbe
Available as a Paperback
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