Signs, Wonders, and Miracles

This book meets the need of the hour. It is not an attack upon the Charismatic movement, but a sound scriptural study of the doctrines ad practices which are confusing so many of God's people.
In a clear and concise manner Brother Knox exposits every Bible passage dealing with tongues, explains the modern phenomenon of "slaying in the spirit', details the four Biblical reasons fro sickness, and discusses God's choice to heal or provide something better. The book concludes with a remarkable look at signs and wonders as they relate to the coming rise of the antichrist. For the Christian who would stand against error upon the ground of fact and faith rather than opinion and feeling, this book is a must.

Signs, Wonders, and Miracles
By James W. Knox
Available as paperback

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Victory Baptist Press


4000 Avalon Blvd
Milton, FL 32583
Phone - (850) 623-0086

A Ministry of Victory Baptist Church
