A Sure Foundation
Here is a book for the new believer, written to make the God of the Bible known and understood. Over twenty attributes of the Lord are explained with plenty of scripture references to support each statement. Here is a book for the long-time believer, written to enable the child of God to know the how and why of Biblical Christianity. For such, the clear explanations and ample scripture quotations will provide ample tools for presenting the truth of God to saved and lost alike. Here is a book for the unbeliever, written so that one might cut through the artificial trappings of religion and the opinions of denominations and sects. In the pages of this book one may come to know God as He is revealed in His book, the Holy Bible. By the time you finish reading A Sure Foundation there will be two persons on your heart - the God of the scriptures and someone to whom you plan to give this book.
A Sure Foundation
by James Knox
Available as a paperback
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