Bible Truth from Galatians
"There is absolutely no doubt that Paul preached in the Roman province of Galatia. There are many indications of this in the Book of Acts as well as in the Book of Galatians. When you consider several passages concerning Paul's travels it is easy to conclude that he and Barnabas did in fact preach there during his first missionary journey as well as visit there during his second.
The main purpose of this epistle was to make it clear that Christians are no longer under the law, but are free in Christ Jesus.(Galatians 5:13)
In doing this it would correct the heresies that had been sown there after Paul's departure. It seems that false teachers had come in to repudiate the message of the salvation by grace through faith only doctrine that Paul had preached. These false teachings will be dealt with as I make my way through the six chapters of Paul's epistle to the Galatians. " – Dr. Gerald Fielder
Bible Truth from Galatians
by Dr. Gerald Fielder
Available as a Paperback
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