Excuses for Conformity to the World
Compromisers are most easily recognized by what they don't say. What they say may sound pretty good, but there are dozens of topics they never mention. Those who refuse to hold the line and stick with old-fashioned Bible standards are constantly justifying their compromise based on "The Culture." That word never appears in Scripture. The Bible word that describes the culture is the world, and we have plain instruction about what our relationship to the world of the culture should be. "Come out." "Be separate." "Be not conformed to the world."
How did 'The Culture' respond to Jesus? "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." Why seek the approval of those who hate Jesus? If we belong to Him, if we try to be like Him, if we stand for right, those who hate God and the Bible will hate us, as well as what we stand for. The world hates Him because He testifies of its evil. If you are to have the approval of the Culture, you must be silent on the evil that they embrace and practice.
There are those who imply that there is a conflict between reaching sinners with the Gospel and preaching separation to the saints when, in fact, they are inseparable in the plan of God.
Excuses for Conformity to the World
by Dr. Dennis Corle
Available as paperback
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