Personal Consecration
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There is a large portion of God's promised blessings as yet unclaimed by the Church of Christ; and the door that leads in to them is labeled personal consecration. Some things have to be left behind by each soul who means to enter; but far grander things lie waiting to be possessed on the other side. We may well say of this good land, what Pharaoh said of rich Egypt in comparison with famine-stricken Canaan: "Also regard not your stuff; for the good of all the land of Egypt is yours" (Gen 45:20).
As the pages are read, may the reader's heart be led to a growing conviction of what personal consecration means, and a final decision to respond to the call, which was given in the words of David to Israel: "And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the LORD?" (1 Chron. 29:5).
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Personal Consecration
or Conditions of Discipleship
By Hubert Brooke (first published in 1897)
Available as a Paperback, PDF, or Epub eBook, or Kindle eBook
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