Tales From Dust River Gulch Series
Tales from Dust River Gulch
“Now Dust River Gulch always has been a dandy place to live—for law-abidin’ folks, that is. An’ there ain’t no sheriff west of the Mississippi with a better pedigree than the Gulch’s own J. D. Saddlesoap. He’s a fine-looking mustang, an’ his heart’s tender as a bare foot in a cactus patch. But he don’t tolerate no trouble in town.” 93 pages.
“Now Dust River Gulch always has been a dandy place to live—for law-abidin’ folks, that is. An’ there ain’t no sheriff west of the Mississippi with a better pedigree than the Gulch’s own J. D. Saddlesoap. He’s a fine-looking mustang, an’ his heart’s tender as a bare foot in a cactus patch. But he don’t tolerate no trouble in town.” 93 pages.
More Tales from Dust River Gulch
...the town of Dust River Gulch is sorta like a great big family. ‘Course like any sizable family, it’s full of characters of all sorts—some more tolerable than others. 108 pages.
...the town of Dust River Gulch is sorta like a great big family. ‘Course like any sizable family, it’s full of characters of all sorts—some more tolerable than others. 108 pages.
Tales from Dust River Gulch Series Books 1 & 2
by Tim Davis
Available as Paperbacks
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