Fire in the Church
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"Concerning the lack of revival today, Mr. Rendall narrows it down to the crucial reason when he says, “Let’s face the fact in honesty and humiliation—the reason for the shut heaven is the sin of God’s people.” Obedience to the Word of God is emphasized throughout this volume as being necessary if we are to have revival today. Although Mr. Rendall points out some of the common characteristics of past revivals, he stresses that we are not to be geared to the past but are to be concerned primarily with what God is able to do today"
— Theodore H. Epp (1907–1985)
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Fire in the Church
by Dr. T.S. Rendall
Available as a Paperback, PDF, or Epub Ebook, or get it as a Kindle Ebook on Amazon for $5.95!
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