Holy Ground
Three Reasons why this book is needed:
- A basic history of the modern state of Israel is indispensable to interpret current prophetic events, thus the old adage,"World War I prepared the land for the Jew; World War II prepared the Jew for the land." Unlike standard works, Holy Ground presents both a lucid and fascinating synopsis of all salient facts.
- John J. Loftus, a former prosecutor with the US Justice Department's Nazi-hunting unit, wrote,"In order to understand the what of modern Israel and its context in the harsh, twisted annals of the Middle East, it is necessary to identify the holes in the history books." This book will explore many of those unknown "holes."
- Dr. Grady addresses the growing ideological clash between "anti-Semitic Christians" and believers who idolize the Jewish people so much that they exempt them from the new birth. He posits Romans 11:28 as the ultimate spiritual conundrum—the Jew as a "beloved enemy."
This novel tome divides accordingly: I—Struggle for Statehood; II—Survival through Statehood; and III—Salvation from Statehood. It contains 875 pages of documentation, including 3,000 end notes, 750 bibliography entries, and 195 photographs and maps.
Holy Ground: The True History of the State of Israel
Understanding the times—Volume 2
by Dr. William Grady
Available as a Paperback
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