The Biblical Philosophy of Soulwinning
This book is not a book of methods but a book of Biblical principles and philosophies that should govern our methods, our motives, and our approach. I trust that the material inside this book will revolutionize your soulwinning.
Following are a few samples of the philosophies included in this book:
- Soulwinning is not soulwinning; soulwinning is prospect hunting.
- The key to much fruit is my relationship to Christ more than my labor for Christ, although both are included.
- The Great Commission declares that we are not only to reprofuce, but that we are to reproduce reproducers.
- The object of involvement in soulwinning is not involvement. Involvement is always a bridge to a goal. My involvement should change in total, change the destination of others, and change me.
The Biblical Philosophy of Soulwinning
by Dennis Corle
Available as a Paperback.
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