A Blessed Life
In introduction to her book Mrs. Hardman writes
The purpose for writing A Blessed Life is when asked the question why we have not wavered from the ways of God these last forty-one years. We have seen many who started this new life in Christ at the same time we did, but are no longer seeking the Lord's guidance for their lives. What was it that kept us from turning back as many others did? We did not possess anything axtraordinary that others were not given at salvation. So, I took a long look at our lives and asked God what kept us from straying. Was it fear that He might whip us if we didn't obey? Or was it love for Him who did so much for us? Maybe it was a little of both If any part of our life could be a help to someone who may be struggling, with thier Christian walk, then I will be glad to share, what brought A Blessed Life thus far.
A Blessed life
by Laura Hardman
Available as a hardback
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