We are out of paper!

With the great door of opportunity open in South America, our plans are to keep an ongoing supply of Spanish Bibles going to missionary Don Rich for distribution. On Tuesday of this week Bro. Berg used the last roll of paper in the print shop to complete the short run...
Over 18,750 Bibles distributed in 6 Weeks!

Over 18,750 Bibles distributed in 6 Weeks!

The continent of South America is made up of thirteen countries. Nine of those countries are Spanish-speaking, with a total population of more than two-hundred-million people. Many of them live in abject poverty and would never own a Bible unless someone provided it...

Encouraging update from Missionary Don Rich

The following note from Brother Rich was dated September 1, 2019: On August 4th, the container from Victory Baptist Press arrived from the US with over 25,000 Bibles and 2000 John & Romans booklets. Many from our church and another local church helped unload over...

Praise Report

The normal work day at VBP begins at 7 a.m., when Al Berg, Jacob Fellure, and Joseph Bertram show up for work. At 9 a.m. Sarah Berg and Grace Kendrick come in. At that time, the men come into the office, and the five of them have a time of Scripture reading and...

Being Good Stewards

Greetings Brethren, The human side of us all has a tendency to highlight what we are doing while (very tactfully) downplaying what others, with the same type of ministry, are doing, but may it never be said of VBP that we are in competition with, or critical of any...
100,000 Bibles for South America

100,000 Bibles for South America

In 2010 Missionaries Don and Carla Rich of Cajamarca, Peru became the VBP distributors of the Spanish Bibles in South America. Since that time VBP has printed and shipped four containers of 25,000 Bibles each for a total of 100,000. Brother Rich has used his contacts...

Victory Baptist Press


4000 Avalon Blvd
Milton, FL 32583
Phone - (850) 623-0086

A Ministry of Victory Baptist Church
